
Monday, February 28, 2005

Heil Germany!!!! 

Hello loyal fans!!! And I can finally say that I see that people are actually reading this. Well... there is a freakin lot to say since last update. Umm... let me think... Where to start... Well, we flew into Bonn/Cologne on Thursday evening. We got off the plane and realized that Germany is German... yeah, big surprise, but holy shit, it is a rough thing to read signs in another language and understand jack. The hardest part being the figuring out of ticket dispensers for trains and buses. We met a nice guy from Vienna who helped us get that part done, and then a nice guy from Hamburg who actually gave us coins to pay the damn toll machine, which of course wouldn't take our bleedin' bankcards. So... anyway, this leaves us on a subway with absolutely no clue on where to go. We manage to find a section with a Hostel and sign in for the night. The room was a 4-bed room, cost about 20$ each, which was okay. Now, for our great roommate: at first sight, I thought, some quiet odd little asian man with a bad set of facial hair... on further inspection, I would more say a Mongolian sheepherder. He had clothes worthy of the title, and the "beard" was of a style that make grown men smile, knowing they can grow better facial hair in a day compared to this poor soul. His lungs however, must have been that of a 75 year old man... LOUD!!! the bastard kept me up for the whole night with his incessant snoring... what does that tell me? I hate Mongolian sheepherders.
That night, before the sheepherder, we met up with only German travellers... from Hamburg. They were a great bunch of kids (16-20), and we stayed up for a long time just getting German culture under control. The next morning, we ended up going into Cologne, and I forgot an important fact of this city... the cathedral!!! It was massive!!!! 154 meter spires, and it was massive!!! I can truly say, for the first time in my life, I was at a loss for words. It was amazing, it took up the whole of downtown. After we spent a few hours wandering around the Cathedral, we headed to Bonn, where we got to see the sarcophogus of King Tut... not exactly what you expected to read next huh? hehe... well, it was a fun little museum trip.
After this, we decided to head out, so we hopped on a train, and decided in the station that we would head to...well, not to Hamburg, although people from there are the friendliest... not Dresden, that was later... and we had to go north... soo... Berlin. First thing I noticed about Berlin was the vast amount of punks... it was kinda funny. After that, we found a hostel and called it a night (long day, long travel). The next day we wandered around and found a bombed out Cathedral from WW2, it was a sad thing to see really. We then walked for miles and miles.. not really knowing where we were headed. We ended up jumping on the train after a bit and heading for the Olympic Stadium of 1936 (where Jesse Owens proved Hitler was wrong before Hitler even got started). As we got closer to the Stadium, we realized we had ended up at the stadium during a soccer match!!!! WOOHOO!!! My first game!!! Yeah, sure, not the game I would have chosen to go to... Hertha BSC v Hamburger, but hell... I wasn't going to be picky. After getting some seating advice from a nice girl, we paid 14 euro and the fun began! Holy hell, by the way, Germany is cold during this time of year, and sitting in a huge stadium was freaking cold. Anyway, you want proof I was there? Well, apparently me and Joe are great BSC fans... we are on a radio fan site: http://www.rs2.de/cgi-bin/WebObjects/rs2.woa/wa/Frameset/1446432?3297

page 3 I think for the actual pic. I apologize for looking like a putz beforehand... I have to say, I look OLD in that pic.... I guess no sleep does that to you. So, the game was 4-1 for the home side, and we left with all the happy fans.
We went to the hostel after that and drank with some americans... it was a blast hehe. The next day, we headed to the museum district in East Berlin, I saw Checkpoint Charlie, the Reichstag, and all the other old communist buildings. Amazing... and scary. The buildings were ugly, but they were the most intimidating ones I have ever seen. I can't explain the overwhelming feeling they gave. We headed to Dresden after that, got lost, found a hostel, and then went to sleep. We went to a museum the next day that housed a massive collection of artifacts, including a 41 carrat green diamond (only one in existence), and a pendant of the Order of the Golden Fleece!!! I did a massive paper on the subject, so this was a personal moment :)
We met my sister later on, and here I sit, on her couch, writing on her paper and beginning the newest chapter... Czech Republic. Oh...wait, I was in Poland too!!! you ask how I can forget that? Well, I was there for 10 minutes, driving through to get to Czech, but I can still say I was there, and stamps to prove it!!! The pics are coming folks, only problem is finding a stable internet connection to download them all. Anyway, I will update again before I leave this country. Hope this satisfies your appetite for a few days... and I am sure I missed something... oh crap, I did... in Dresden, waiting for my sister to show up, I saw the most amazing thing. The F**king Mongolian Sheepherder!!! yeah, that's right... he was walking down the street in Dresden!!! HAHAHHAHAHA we took a pic of him this time, but you will see it later.

So moves,
the Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca

Thursday, February 24, 2005

England to begin 

Heya Loyal Fans... although it doesn't look like alot of people are reading this yet!!! Well, I am in England, after the most brutal flight/sickness I have ever had. I had the excorcist's heaves all day Monday(the day I left), and even had to pull over and make use of the side of the road a bit before I could make it onto the airplane. The flight itself wasn't that bad I guess, but my body was worn out. We got to heathrow and managed to find Barry & Sandra without too much of a problem... only half hour of looking for them hehe. They are awesome hosts, feeding us, putting us up and even playing tour guide :) The first spot we went was Chichester Cathedral, built in 1076 originally, and it was all I expected. Not the most oppulent of cathedrals, but gives me a good base for seeing more. I have pics, but no time at the moment to play around with the downloading, so you have to wait. Flying out to Bonn, Germany today, and making our way to Czech Republic (my sister lives there) by Monday. Will update within a week for sure. Anyway folks, hopes this keeps you entertained for a few days ;)

So moves,
The Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Heya folks,

Not sure who will begin reading this so soon, but for you loyal people out there, I figured I would update you on what is going on. I have been in Halifax since Wednesday, got to see some(almost all) of my close friends here, and have had more beer than I have had in years (alot of my friends still think of me from my first degree days). I managed to get out to a local drinking establishment that plays good ol' celtic music, and heard "Barrett's Privateers" which was one of my main goals before leaving. Nothing funny to add, but to say that some people are horrible drunks, and oh, you know who you are!!!! Actually, one in Winnipeg and one in Halifax... you both know who, don't act coy!!! Anyway, Keep reading, pics will be added soon and the real fun should start.

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Test Image 

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Testing the site 

Okay, I gotta get this site up and running if I am going to go to Europe and keep track of things for all you people. In case you don't know, I am on my way to Europe (duh) and am doing a backpacking trip and contemplating a lengthy stay in England afterwards. That means Soccer soccer football!!!! What led to this? well... some not so nice things that I won't bother hashing out here, but bottom line is, I have decided on a life change to try and restructure my spirit and mind. Sounds corny? Kinda is, but then again... see my disclaimer at the bottom. I have promised to send a piece of a certain English landmark back to a friend here... don't worry, nothing like Big Ben, just a little bit of grass... or concrete... Anyway, keep in tune, the departure is Feb 21, so I will be updating as I can... digital camera available and adventures to be had!!!!

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca

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