
Sunday, September 25, 2005

Drinking and Work and Fun ho ho! 

Heya folks.

Well, I have about an hour before I have to start a tubeless trek into the heart of London. Oh, you think having an underground is a good thing, but when they work on the track you are on almost every weekend, it kinda sucks. I don't even understand the bus system here, but it is either that, a cab (25pds to the centre) or staying home (not an option). So, you ask what am I doing today? Going to a gallery, I think the Tate Britain, which I have yet to see. I have been to the National Gallery, I have been to the National Portrait, the Tate Modern and Saatchi ( a small private gallery, very very cool), but I have not been to Tate Britain or the Dali Gallery so today will hopefully be in one of those.

So, my week was okay mostly. I decided that the French girl that works with me is...well... very French. Nasty attitude and self-righteous. So, I am hoping that she, or me, will be transferred relatively soon. This may happen since we are both getting interviews for the new position at work. It will be a raise and a promotion so I am hoping beyond hope to get it. I have a good chance, but I am not sure how many people are up for the position, so we will see. Other than that, I started my new 5 a side team on Tuesday nights. Oh my god, the rules are strange!!! It isn't like indoor, it is completely different: keeper can't use feet to pass, can't come out of his crease at all, ball never above shoulder height, nets are only 4 feet high...very very strange. I am still getting used to it, but it is fast and will help me get in shape.

Friday night a few people from work went out drinking. Me, one of the guys I work with directly, the maintenance guy and two of his friends, and two of our clients. One of the clients is this cool English girl that I always joke around with about netball (what is netball??? I have no clue really), and the other client is the sexiest girl in our building, hands down. She is a Spanish girl who has been working here for years. So, the night was good. I drank, we drank and then we went home. So, I was going to leave it at that, but I just can't. I am going to the gallery today with Monica (Spanish girl). Yeah, Friday night was good.... understatement. It was brilliant. Nuff said.

So sits, happy and recovering,
The Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Trying to get home for November 

Well, I am here again. Decided to just fart around today and do internet stuff. I did. Anyway, I wanted to update this and let you know what is going on. I have applied to the new position at work, but have not heard back yet. Not sure if I met the deadline or not, although I am sure I did!!! I should hear back this week. I have found a 5-a-side team to play on on Tuesday nights as well. This is good news, I can now quit the Sunday team since I doubt I am going to get any playing time with them anyway, and I refuse to practice/train and then get no reward at the other end. Not complaining, whatever works for them is fine, but I am looking for a team that rewards effort, and they have found another keeper who they obviously feel is better than me (and he is!!!). So, I will leave them, and try to find another Sunday league to join, but if not, at least I have this new team :)

Work this week was good. I did some more training with purchase orders etc, which is something that is good to know for future jobs. Hmm, what else am I up to? Not too much really. I have felt really busy, even though I don't seem to do too much beyond the occassional pub evening, or football. I still miss home, and still going to spend some time looking for work back home, but it will take a very good job to pull me back at the moment (mostly because of financial obligations... making English cash is GOOD). People ask, 'do you like London?', and I honestly can't answer. It is a strange place, usually you can say whether you like a place or not, but I honestly can't here. I like things about it, then there are other things that suck (like tryign to meet up with friends here, it can take up to 2 hours on the tube to get where you want to go). It is a busy town, and that I like. I saw STOMP! hmm... I may have mentioned that already... never mind. I will go see some more very soon. I also have some galleries I still need to go see, but I am waiting until I have someone to go with... not many people I know here are into that kinda thing. I am spending alot of time reading, which is good. I have no tv and no computer... wow... weird huh? Oh, and George RR Martin is coming to London!!!! Oct.21, 5pm!!!!! I will be the first in line!!!! If you don't know his books, look him up!!! I am serious, best books I have ever read. *glares at Alex, Darren and the others who have yet to read them!!!*

So sits,
the Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Well, here I sit. 

Funny, I am always sitting when I write these... coincidence? Probably not.

Well, I had a rough week, in fact the week from hell. I got blamed for pretty much anything and everything that went wrong at work. Why you ask? Well I guess because I am the senior Service Coordinator... oh yes, 3 months that's it. Anyway, even funnier is the fact that I am applying for a promotion; I figure if I get more money, the responsibility is worth it. I have a football match again tomorrow, I didn't go last week... just couldn't do it. Hopefully I will get the start, but if not, maybe the other keeper will make an ass of himself. Yeah, bad mojo, but I really want to play. Hmm, what else? I am looking at coming back to Canada for a break in October, but still playing with that stuff... mostly money. If I can find airfare for a good price, then kudos to me.

I went to see STOMP! this week, it was pretty much the same routine I remember, but damn it was fun. Not much else going on, but I would love to hear what other people are up to!!! I only hear from a few of you!!!!

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca

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