
Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Still here, just a little slower with entries 

Heya folks.

Well, let's begin with something fun: I met George RR Martin, author of the best fantasy series ever!!! Strong comment? Yup. Read them and find out why I say that. Anyway, he looks like Tyrion from his series... far from a compliment hehe. I told him he had to visit Canada, and apparently he already had a 5 city tour planned, although none to Winnipeg or Halifax (damn it). Other than that, it was a fun little book signing.

What else? Well, my new relationship is going well. We are planning a Halifax-Winnipeg trip for March next year. Not sure how long in Halifax, it will totally depend on how we get connecting flights. Work now knows about us, which is funny. My boss made a cheeky comment on Friday asking about what I am doing on the weekend etc... ah well, we still hid it for over a month.

Work.... sigh.... I am still here, no interviews lined up. My boss has acknowledged that she is trying to prep me for promotion because she knows I won't stay much longer in the position I am in. Well, nice to be appreciated I guess. Let's see how quick I can move this along.

Vacation: next year I know what I want to do... this year, I have no cash and I have no plans. Monica is heading to Spain for a week at xmas, so when she comes back I will take a day or two so we can spend some of New Year's together etc. I have about another week and a half to decide on... I do not want to sit at home for that long... I will go NUTS!!!! So, what to do? I really want to go to Lincoln and see the cathedral that I wrote a LONG essay on ( I got an A to boot), but we will see.

Football: I am playing with an older group of guys, me being the youngest (I am pretty sure). We usually get our asses handed to us, but we have fun and I am becoming a pretty good keeper (for 5 a side). Actually, as we speak, I am in pain. Last night I had about 45 shots on me within 50 minutes... it's alot, trust me. Made a few good saves, but my body paid a bit for it since it is worse than the surface that we played on at Coverall. Anyway, still fun, I love it.

Keep in touch, and keep me informed on your lives there.

So sits,
The Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Life is Good, but work still sucks 

Well, let me give a short update on what is going on around here. I am getting more and more frustrated with work... one thing I will never say is that the English are efficient. We had a day where we were short staffed by three people, and me and Lee ( another coordinator) did more work that day than the previous 3 weeks. Why you ask? Probably because we don't treat each other like babies, we just get the work done! Hard concept around here apparently. I got in trouble because I fail to use the word 'please' when I ask questions to workmates. For example: ' Can you go and do x for y?' is not an acceptable way to ask a question around here, regardless of time restraints etc... I must say: ' Can you go and do x for y, Please?' Small thing, maybe, but I am there to work, not to treat my colleagues like children. Ettiquette classes are over, welcome to real life WORK! I do say thank you, and appreciate what is done for me, but come on... what is the big deal? You are asking, what is the big deal the other way? Well, first off, if I have to worry about small things when talking to my workmates, I am more likely not to bother and to get things done myself... which means efficiency suffers ( I can't do everything, although sometimes I feel like I am). Anyway, I just would rather spend my time worrying about what has to be done, rather than who I am offending because I didn't sugarcoat a question. Ridiculous I say!!!

Now, on to happier things. As far as I can tell, I have a girlfriend. Funny huh? I mean, we spend all our time together (well, on the weekends. During the weekdays is a bit different due to location) and we have talked about future trips/plans, but we never officially said anything regarding our relationship. Meh, some things can be better off left unsaid or something like that.

Anyway, it is the girl I explained before: Monica. She is from Bilbao, Spain and has lived here off and on for about 10 years. Anyway, the bottom line on this is I am happy with her... makes living in London a hell of a lot easier to have someone.

I have also had a friend from my trips around Europe come visit me. His name is Adrian and is an Aussie... no one is perfect right? ;) He is a great guy who I met in Barcelona and we spent many a drunken night singing and walking... and walking...nothing in Barcelona is easy to find. Anyway, he is a wanderer and needed a place to stay for a few days, and of course my place is always open to friends. He spent a few days, then he went North to get his shit and headed off to Hong Kong for a while. He will be back this way eventually... who knows when? The shado... wait, no... only Adrian knows for sure. Anyway, I wish him all the best on his journeys and he knows there is always a place to crash.

So, here is a summary: I hate my job now... not the work, just the frustration. So, I am looking for a new job, something where I have more control and don't have to answer to a bunch of muppets. Regardless of work, I am a bit happier now with Monica. I am starting to find a good circle of friends to hang around with. Overall, I am content.

So sits, sober and happy,
the Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca

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