
Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Life and Soccer( or for the educated, Football) 

So, here it is... I have started playing outdoor. After a snowstorm and a rainstorm that woulda made Noah jealous, we finally managed to get in a few games. Let me tell you about my teams: the first is a men's team, Ragnarok FC and I am in my second year of dirtying up my shoes... I play midfield, mostly wing, but sometimes I may get thrown into the center. The other team is a co-ed team, in its first outdoor season. Yo Mama... no I am not insulting you, that comes later, but rather that is the name of our team, Yo Mama. I have decided to pit my wiles against those of the strikers, and have conceded to playing Keeper this year. So far, 1-1. Not bad. As much as I know you want me to give you details, screw ya, it would take too long, just come see some games, and if you can't... well, see the bottom of this post for more details*.
I know the Gremlin has been quiet, but that is not due to stories to tell or evil things to discuss, but rather due to the amount of time the Desk Gremlin has to sit down and write. Work, school, social life, soccer... you get the idea. More will be written soon, once I get the energy for the long rant that is being kept for a rainy day, I am sure there are more of those to come. In the meantime, question everyone, debate everything and complain about how it should be.

So sits,
The Desk Gremlin

*Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca
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