
Sunday, February 20, 2005

Heya folks,

Not sure who will begin reading this so soon, but for you loyal people out there, I figured I would update you on what is going on. I have been in Halifax since Wednesday, got to see some(almost all) of my close friends here, and have had more beer than I have had in years (alot of my friends still think of me from my first degree days). I managed to get out to a local drinking establishment that plays good ol' celtic music, and heard "Barrett's Privateers" which was one of my main goals before leaving. Nothing funny to add, but to say that some people are horrible drunks, and oh, you know who you are!!!! Actually, one in Winnipeg and one in Halifax... you both know who, don't act coy!!! Anyway, Keep reading, pics will be added soon and the real fun should start.

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca
hey this is just a test
hey i just had to click on "other" to get my message to go thru.I was on blogger!!!
Anyway I will be checking your website everyday and looking forward to hearing about your trip across europe.Luv mom
Hey man. Glad to hear you're having fun. Make sure to take lots of pictures for all of us here. I've never been to England.
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