
Friday, March 04, 2005

Czech this out 

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Well, this is the first picture that I am trying to post on the blog since getting Chris to help me. This pic is Prague from the Astronomical Clock Tower... nice view huh? The tower itself has a little clock that, when chiming (every hour), has 12 mechanical figurines of the apostles which cycle through open windows. It was kinda funny to see a hundred people standing around every hour to see them come out.

Alrighty, so me and Joe are still in Prague, sitting here at my sis's place, and still not sure if we are leaving tomorrow or waiting until Monday so we can watch a playoff game of Tomas's team. I have to say... Czech Rep has alot to see. We managed to get to St. Mikolaus Cathedral, a Baroque cathedral. Not as nice as the gothic cathedrals, but has its own grandeur, since the statues and frescoes are golden outlined. We also managed to see a castle of Charles IV (Karlstein, yeah, I know, doesn't have Charles in its name) in the mountains, St. Vitus Cathedral (gothic), the Museum of Torture (freakin cool stuff), and the museum of natural history (where I actually saw a Willendorf statuette from 6000bc- around that anyway).

Another awesome view is Charles Bridge.. the statues and the view from it are amazing. There are statues you are supposed to make a wish on, and I did... however, my wish didn't come true!!!! Damn it all. We went drinking one night in this crazy "samoan" club called Zanzibar. More "girly drinks" than you can shake a stick at, but the shots make up for that! Yeah, that's right.. I drank margueritas and Daquiries.. screw you all!!!! ;)

Oh, and of course, we got to see the Bone Church in Kutna Hora... what can I say, it was fascinating. Not nearly as morbid as I thought it would be. The church is decorated inside with the bones of 40,000 people who died in/around the church... 30,000 of them were black death victims, and the other 10k were during the Hussite wars.

Lisa and tomas have been great guides, and tomas's sister and Lisa's friend helped to show us around. Not much happened here that warrants a funny story unfortunately. It has been a smooth trip up to this point. We have some friends we met in Berlin that are living in Spain (they are americans), and we plan to go and visit them so we can have some tour guides around there too.

Oh, hey soccer boys: saw a "history of Futball" exhibit here in Prague too... that was pretty cool. Nedved's personal trophies, his footballer of the year, his MVP for a Champion's League match etc were all there too. Arsenal had a "Gunner" statue there as well, which was pretty amazing to see.

So, how do I compare Czech Rep. to Germany? Well, Prague is a beautiful city for sure, nothing in Germany can compare to that from what we saw, and the food here is much better than damn sausages. The people here are not so nice however... definitely not as polite or helpful as Germany, and even the service in Czech is pretty damn rude. Also, remember my comments of the German women's soccer team? Well, it doesn't apply throughout that country. Whatever man-drugs they serve their athletes, they must serve pretty-pills to all the other women to make up for it. The Czech women are... well... hmm... tall mostly, and I will leave it at that. ;)

I had to edit this post to make it sound more exciting per my sister's instructions. Apparently, "cool" and "fascinating" don't cut it with her. Don't get me wrong, I thought this place had alot of scenic views and great architecture, just don't want to bore you people with constant descriptions. Now we are staying until Monday... that has been decided in the last two hours since I originally wrote this post hehe.

So, next... whenever next is, will be Austria, and after that... who freakin knows??? We will figure that out as we go. So, until next time folks.

So moves,

The Desk Gremlin
Thanks to Pete for revising this post!! One side note (Pete wouldn't change his post again! ha).....Charles is the english translation of Karl(stein).

We are enjoying having Pete and Joseph here with us and they are great guests.
Sister, Lisa
Hi Pete,
Wow I am glad you cleared that up!!!one minute i am reading what you wrote and the next it reads differently!! hahha
Good thing for your sister,it reads much better haha
Happy to hear you are staying for tomas' game i am sure he will appreciate that.Love mom
Hey Pete, while you're there, have you had a chance to check out any "Prague-Rock"? :)

...okay, that joke was terrible. But, it's good to hear you're still doin' okay. Look forward to reading about more of your adventures. Peace.

Hey Pete, I saw the pic of Prague and I can't wait to come in the summer!!! See ya then... I really enjoy your website and I hope your journey continues to be successful!!!

From Your Cousin, Kyle
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