
Thursday, March 24, 2005

Where oh Where am I? 

Heya folks.. okay, little disappointed about my lack of comments this time around *Sob*. So, where did I leave off? I think we were in Rome... well, Rome was fun, nice city... that's right, nice. I really liked Rome, in fact, I almost took a job as a tour guide, but decided to finish this trip before I do something like that. So, we left Rome, and we headed west. Gotta waste time before the Barce game, so we decided to go to Greece! Yup, that is where I am right now, sitting in the cheapest country I have been in yet. We took a boat, 19 hours, but it was like a freakin cruise ship, had a sleeper, and only cost 6 Euro, so we actually saved money. So, last night we arrive in Athens, find a crazy hostel and have a crazy time until 7 in the morning. Today we managed to go see the Acropolis and surrounding areas... it was amazing. Rome is old, Greece is ancient!! It is hard to fathom the age of these buildings. Anyway, Athens itself is noisy, and a bit hectic, but the people are very friendly, the crime rate low and the hostel is the best one yet (free shots of Ouzo all night, that's right, my decision is based on free booze hehe). The hostel is cheap and we have a private room. So, we are here for a few days and we will see what comes up next. Oh, and Greek is messed up, holy crap, I mean the letters etc make directions pretty hard to figure out, even with a map.
So, let's sum up the last month (a month already!): Germany is friendly, beautiful women and clean. High on my list of places to go back to. Czech Rep is beautiful, the people are rude as hell and everyone is over 6 freakin feet tall!!! Not high on my list of returns besides Lisa and Tomas's Wedding. Austria rocked, same as Germany, I would definitely go back to Vienna, it was beautiful. Needless to say, I would go back. Switzerland, GD expensive, nuff said. Never going back. Italy, well, besides Venice and Padua which sucked rocks, I would move to Florence or Rome in a heartbeat. People were okay, food is amazing, sites are beautiful. Greece, I think besides the dirty city, is a great place, people are awesome, and the sites are great. I hope that gives everyone adequate feedback. If you have any questions or I am leaving too much out, let me know.
Oh crap, I forgot, went on a cheap pub crawl in Rome, met some mates from England and got invited to play Rugby in Rugby!!! How cool would that be??? So, anyway, I am making friends everywhere!!! Take care folks, keep me updated on events, and keep reading ;)

So sits, in a cafe in Athens,
the Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca
Hey Pete,
Sounds wonderful!!!Dad says he would like to do what you guys are doing,can you imagine us backpacking haha well maybe dad!!!
Nothing new here at home!!Dad just got back fr Alberta last nite.
Have fun and stay focused!!!
Luv mom and dad
Hey there
Avory said to ask you why you didn't mention your "awesome" apple strudel story here in Liberec!!
Tell me all about Greece as it is a possible destination for our honeymoon......think romantic for me...HAHAHA
Take care
Miss ya
Lisa and Tomas
Lisa and Tomas said...

Hey there
Avory said to ask you why you didn't mention your "awesome" apple strudel story here in Liberec!!
Tell me all about Greece as it is a possible destination for our honeymoon......think romantic for me...HAHAHA
Take care
Miss ya
Lisa and Tomas

6:33 AM
hi pete.. imagine being in Rome Easter week... must be awesome..how is the weather and how is the food. what a great experience for you and joseph. keep posting we are enjoying every little detail.. Happy easter love aunt raylene
Good to hear you're having a good time. Keep on rockin!!!

hey peter greece is my favorite place to visit also hope you get to island hop and maybe even to turkey lots of great sites to see

guess what i'm going to italy in oct was thinking of skipping rome now maybe after reading what you had to say might spend some time there after all my route is florence venice and milan to shop of course please let me know if you have any little tips for me

please keep up the posts love reading about your adventures
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