
Friday, April 01, 2005

Got my tickets for Barce game!!! 

Hey folks,
Well... let´s see. We finally made it to freakin Madrid after 3 days of traveling from Athens. Lesson= Do not do Spain in the middle of your trip. Had to make reservations for every train, and there weren´t many from France into Spain. Anyway, nuff of that crap. We got into Madrid and went to see our two friends that we met in Florence. Spent the night and the next day with them, seeing the sights and just chatting. So, I saw the Prado... holy crap! I saw Goya, Valezques, there was a special exhibit on Durer, and there were lots of others, but the one that got me was Goya´s Third of May. That was just amazing to see. The next day we went to the modern art museum (don´t worry, Joe isn´t minding TOO much hehe). There we saw some early Dali (not the Surreal, but more Cubist and abstracts), Picasso including Guernica, and even Marcell Duchamps´first ¨quintessential modern piece¨the Fountain... basically it is a urinal with the name R. Mutt on teh side... but I was happy to see it.

So, now onto something that was just freaking AWESOME. We decided to go play some football in the park, just kick the ball around and juggle etc. Me, Joe and some American guy from our hostel... well when we got to the 5-5 field (similar to an indoor field, basically a fenced in court with 8 by 6 nets on either end), there were some Spanish guys playing a game. They asked us to play, and we joined in. It was just incredible to be playing a game of pickup soccer in Spain. Some of the guys were just amazing, but I think me and Joe kept up to the pace, and even managed to net a few goals between us (that´s right, I managed another goal... shit, and here I am leaving Ragnarok when I am finally starting to find my game). So, needless to say that was freaking awesome... oh I said that already... well, too bad, it was!!!!

Now we are in Barcelona, the people are nicer, the women are nicer ( Madrid was a disappointment there), and we have tickets to go to the Barcelona game on Sunday!!!! WOOT!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA, I am happpeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! We had to get tickets from a scalper since it was sold out, but screw it, I don´t care, this was the one thing in Europe that I wanted to do, that is, See a Barce game. So, tomorrow we will go around, see the sights, Guadi buildings, the Cathedral, and there is a Picasso museum. Well, not much else to say, this keyboard is so much better than the French one hehe.

Hmm, little update on what I think of traveling: Germany is still the nicest overall, Greece was awesome... the hostel made that place, italy was good for sights, but not much for people, France I still have no opinion, will let you know once we hit Paris, Spain... I would say go to Barcelona and the South, and screw Madrid... I liked it because of the soccer and our friends, but the city and people really suck (almost as bad as Czech Rep). Anyway, what Kimberley wrote about Greece is a good thing to consider... it is romantic on the islands, and Athens is a place to see for the history. If anyone ever decides to do this kinda trip, let me know so I can give hostel names that are good.... Hostel International ones suck ass... might as well stay in a hotel. Keep cool people, and I hope to hear from everyone.

Happy in Barce,
the Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca
Hi Pete,
Have a great time at the game on Sun. by the sounds of it no worries there haha
Luv mom
I hope you have a wonderful time at the game and it meets all your expectations.
We have our tickets home and we leave on Monday, the 11th. We'll be there until the end of May and Tomas' parents are coming to Winnipeg also.
Well, enjoy everything. Talk soon.
Love Lisa and Tomas
Hi Pete,
Sounds like you're having a great time. Have fun at the game Sunday. By the way what are the temperatures there? Talk to you soon.

Tom & Debbie
hey pete i am sooo looking forward to going to czech republic stop knocking them . you just haven't been there long enough i'm sure to give those comments ...just look at how great the friends you have been intouch with there ,were to you and joseph.. great to see you guys got to play some 5 on 5 with the guys awesome.. howz the food and the weather wish i were there ,, well not with you guys , but having a chance to do what you guys are doing.. take care play safe and have a great time sunday at the game and take a picture of each other at the game.. love aunt raylene...
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