
Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Mind the Gap 

Hey folks,
Well, I can't believe no comments on my Amsterdam posts... now I wouldn't expect family to reply hehe, but come on!!!!

So, I am now in London, Joe has left and I am basically alone in my next adventure. I have a friend that wouldn't mind moving in with me, but I need to find work in his general area to make it feasible. I have seen the London Dungeon (pretty freakin cool), Tate Modern, National Gallery, some of the landmarks, and basically wondered around. Oh, for those who know.. I was at Charing Cross Road as well!!! I also plan to visit WhiteChapel at some point. So, tonight I am going to a pub to watch the Arsenal/Chelsea match, which should be interesting. Hmm, what else? Oh, I really want my own bed!!!! i have had enough of hosteling and changing beds every night, gets old quick. Thinking about getting a cell phone since I need a number to use to apply for work as well.. don't really like the idea overall, but I just can't see any other choice at the moment. Sigh... a cell phone goes against all my principles, but really... no other option!!!!

So, here is my list of favorite places I have been: 1- Barcelona, 2- Paris, 3- London, 4- Munich, 5 - Vienna, 6- Rome, 7- Florence, 8-Berlin, 9- Bayeux (just quiet... needed that alot), and 10- Athens. trying to decide whether I liked Florence or Rome more.. definitely a toss up. God, I have been to alot of places... just crazy. Probably met in the vicinity of 200 people, about 50 of whom I will be in contact with again at some point. So, overall I have to say I loved this trip, me and Joe got along really well (although I barely saw him in some cities hehe), and the sights were amazing. So folks, I will update again in a little bit, but I will be floating around to check email and comments.

Oh, and a little quiz... Anyone know what ' Mind the Gap' means in London? It is funny as hell, if no one gets it, I will post the answer next time ;)

hugs n luv from the City of Mist,
the Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca
answer to your quiz it is the gap between he carriage and the platform on the tube i lived off the northern line that is where it originated!!! lol!

see i'm not just a pretty faced some brains too!!! lol!

oh ya pete confirmed i'm going to italy in october any suggestions?
Hi Pete,
Hope things work out to have a room mate in London. Good luck in your job hunting!!
Love ya mom and dad xoxoxo
We hope you find a job too and good luck! Have you done all the touristy things in London already or is there more that you want to see?
Talk soon
Love Lisa and Tomas
Hey Pete, apparently "Mind the Gap" is a big joke to Londoners as well. There was a shop in Heathrow that sold "Mind the Gap" T-shirts and key-chains.
Kimberly is lying!
it is the term they use to refer to your poor stoned fools that just left Amsterdamn!

ok, so mabye she isn't lying...

-Vincent aka your Rubber Lover
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