
Wednesday, April 13, 2005

The rest of Paris 

Heya folks, I am sitting in the Flying Pig in Amsterdam at the moment, preparing mentally for the tasks at hand... and we all know what they are!!! Anyway, I noticed that alot of people are asking the lowdown on Paris. Well, let me tell you that it was probably one of the nicest places we have seen in total. The sights are amazing, I actually managed to get to three galleries, the Louvre( the worst of all of them honestly), the D'Orsay which is mostly the late 19th century, such as Van Gogh and Gauguin, and then my favorite, the Pompidou, which consists of modern art, including Andy Warhol and one Piet Mondrian! Anyway, besides that, there are the cathedrals, the Eiffel Tower, the Arch de Triomph, Champs d'Ellise, the Moulin Rouge( yeah, I saw it)... I mean, shit, it is at least a week's worth of stuff to do seeing new stuffs every day.
I would also say that it would be a nice place to live( this is for Alex and Meghan). It is a well run city, lots of places to live, pretty safe and absolutely gorgeous. The only thing I would suggest is at least attempting to speak French; they aren't as mean as people make them out to be, but if you go right into English without a "bonjour" or a "bonsoir" you could get cold responses.

I got to see some friends I made in Barcelona again in Paris, and it was a pretty tearful goodbye. I will definitely keep in touch with them, and hopefully at some point see them again. I also made one friend that I am going to see again in Amsterdam tomorrow. So, after Paris we went to Bayeux so Joe could go see the beaches of Normandy. Since I couldn't care less about WW2 history, I decided I would spend the day alone in Bayeux and enjoy the town of 15,000. I saw the Bayeux Tapestry( an amazing piece of work, and the museum was well designed), and I then went to the cathedral where I noticed a scene from the tapestry in relief within the cathedral. Overall it was an awesome day, although I left my bag in the hands of a hotel and when I got back my freaking Barcelona soccer ball was gone!!!! Not happy!!!!! Didn't pay much for it, so it wasn't a big deal, but it is the principle of it all.

So, here I sit, watching people roll some sweet bud, and waiting for Joe to get back from Ann Frank's House, again I didn't go because WW2 just holds nothing for me. I think we are going to get smoked and go to the Van Gogh museum... not a van Gogh fan, but maybe some weed will change that. For the family, relax... it is Amsterdam after all!!! Can't wait to see a sex show too... going to probably hit up one where fruit is involved... waiting for the girl from Paris to get here before we go there though.

I also got wind that Yo Mama is in the finals!!!! Damn it folks, you better win!!!!! I wish I could be there, I am itching to play now, hopefully England will see me on a team sooner than later. So, this is the last update before I get to London, I hope you guys have enjoyed my Continental tour, and I still have adventures to experience in England. Love you all, miss you bunches.

So sits a temporarily sober,
Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca
well i posted a comment and i don't know where it went ..so if this appears again sorry.. great to see your post .. the last leg of your trip is just around the corner,, what a life time experience this is for you and joseph..looking forward to all the pictures take care we love you and miss you guys too love .. aunt raylene
hey pete
as they say when in rome!!!! enjoy the brownies for me also!!!! ay yes and a cup of their special tea!!! lol! you got to love the menus at the cafes

Well, we are in Winnipeg now. Glad you enjoyed Paris and it was nice to get your perspective. Sorry to hear about your soccer ball!
Take care and we enjoyed all your travels.
Love Lisa and Tomas
Hey Pete,
Paris sounds wonderful!!!
Amsterdam I am not so sure!!!!
Have fun and stay safe!!!
luv mom
Hey Pete it's uncle Tom, sorry to take so lomg leaving a message, but hey what can I say? I was busy. No just kidding, I thought I had to create an account in order to send a message, i.e. I didn't quite understand the instructions. Anyways & hows? Your trip sure sounds interesting, I am green (jealousy). I always wished I could have done this when I was younger, however. On the bright side I will be going to Prague very soon, I hope.(Hope the flights are open!)Continue to have fun, have a cold for me.

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