
Sunday, May 22, 2005

Another week... 

Well folks, I want to start this post off with something positive... congratulations to Arsenal for having the best luck I have seen in... well probably my life. Man U kicked their asses, but yet, somehow (I think the curse of Glazer has already begun), Arsenal still won in penalties!!! Oh, and for you guys who know my soccer love: Lincoln is still in playoffs in Div 2!!! That's right!!! Hmm, other than that, here is what I have to tell you all: not much at all. I have realized almost all my closest friends are married, have kids or will be married and will have kids soon. Amazing isn't it? We all growed up... well, almost all. So, I have given myself a deadline to get work: a week and a half. If I don't have something positive happening (ie job interviews), or a job lined up, I am calling it quits and coming home. Well, I will be coming home after my sister's wedding. I will go spend some time in Czech Rep until the wedding, and then go home. Now, home is..well, I haven't decided!!! Winnipeg and Halifax both have a place in my heart now, oh yes, Winnipeg has a place in my heart! Good lord....

So, I would like to hear the two factions give me good reasons to move to their respective cities, that does not mean other places are left out, if you have another good place for me, feel free to chime in... I am open to anything. I am truly disheartened over the whole not finding work thing, I mean, I could find work doing minimum wage here in a corner of England that I would never get out of, but that is not why I am here. I want experience in the right area (sales, teaching or art), and if I can't have it, I might as well come home. I have looked at everything, I have applied for more than those three aspects, and have had little success with them. I may have an interview next week (I was told I would), and I have registration forms to become a substitute teacher with maybe a full time position in September, but I need work NOW. So, I will get off the registration, I will hopefully have my interview, and I will hopefully get a job. If not, debate is on: where oh where does the little Gremlin go from here?

Oh, you want to know what I did all week don't you? I am in Europe so therefore it should be exciting right? Sheeeet, no. I went for a walk, I watched English soaps and English trash tv, I watched some soccer (highlight of my week), and I looked for work for 5 hours a day or so. Yup, Good ol' England.

So sits, Confused as hell,
The Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Not much to say 

Hey folks,
Before I get yelled at by Darren again for not updating, I thought I would beat him to it. As you can probably guess, I didn't get the position. Apparently, I am not 'hard core' sales enough for them, which they decided without calling references, or even giving me a real chance. Oh, but my second place prize is that 'I am a nice guy'. Well... guess what I have to say to that? Nothing nice I promise, in fact, it really brings me to a boil. I will spare you all the verbal venom I want to unload, mostly because family reads this hehe.

So, back to the job search, I have applied to about another 6 jobs in two days, and hopefully something will come of it. Ya know, I hate looking for work more than anything else in life. In fact, it is more fun to get hit in the danglies by a soccer ball flying at mach 2. and yes, I have felt that, and yes, it is more fun than looking for work. I have discovered something about Winnipeg that honestly might be the best part about it: hay fever and allergies. Yup, I am suffering now, and I haven't felt like this since before moving to Winnipeg. Dry weather must be good for me. So, hmm... oh, congrats to Yo Mama for winning their first game in STYLE!!! Burton.. score a goal this year boyo!!!! You deserve it. Oh, and when you do, point to the 'camera'.

Hmm, anything else? Probably not, but I better be kept informed on how both teams do this summer. I am doing my part keeping you guys informed. Oh!!! You wouldn't believe the mess that Glazer is causing Man U over here. I have never seen such a disdain for a human being in my life. I think he will be lynched if he ever comes this way! Anyway, other than that, not much to say.

So sits, discouraged and bored,
the Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca

Monday, May 09, 2005

The Job hunt 

Heya folks,
Well, where to begin? I am down in West Sussex again right now, after having spent a week in London with Mike. I had a great time up there and kept up the job search, working with specific websites that are better than most (and before you ask, going into places to hand out resumes seems like it is undone now in any field. Not to mention it is almost all recruitment agencies). Anyway, I managed to get an interview with a recruitment agency that handles galleries. I had that interview and they decided to send me off to two galleries that need managers. Out of that, I managed to get one interview with that company and I will be heading back to London for it( the job itself is in Winchester, west of London). So, back to Mike's. He is proving to be exactly how I remember him from 8 years ago: a really good friend.

So, Thursday I have the interview, hopefully with good results. Wish me luck, pray for me, keep your fingers crossed, rub Ghanesa's ears... whatever you do for good mojo. Oh, and Kimberley, Ray and Colin: you are references!! You can lie, you can embelish, whatever gets me this job!!!!! I may have embellished a bit on my ' managerial experience' with both EB and with FRS... soooo... hehe. Anyway, other than that, not much going on. Keep in touch folks, and I will update again once I have news.

So sits, nervous and anxious,
The Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

a Week in London 

So, let me fill you in. I am currently sitting in Cambden Court area waiting to meet up with Kevin from my soccer club in Winnipeg. He is going on a backpacking trip and shot me an email to meet up before he begins a trek similar to what I did (different route, same concept).

My job search is going, not well, but it is going. I have applied to be a teacher... yes a teacher, and possibly a science teacher!!!! Sigh... life and its ironies huh? Ah well, it is good money and I need something ASAP. Besides that, I have applied for numoerous other jobs and it would seem that I just have bad luck, or bad experience to try to get a job... who knows. I am staying at Mike's for the week, deciding that being in London for possible job interviews and such is a good idea, not to mention I went into Sotheby's today and had a chat with the director... I think I am going to need to get a massive loan to make things happen *sob*. Everything else has been okay, not much in the ways of important stuff to talk about yet... oh, although I did get to walk around Whitechapel, which it just happens that Mike lives in that area (whitechapel murders, jack the ripper...get with it people!!). So, I am currently trying to make things happen, trying to get settled, find a sport team and overall try to enjoy the life over here.

Anyway folks, keep in touch and I can't wait to hear news of anything at all!!! doesn't have to be exciting ;)

So sits, frustrated but happy,
the Desk Gremlin
Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca

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