
Monday, May 09, 2005

The Job hunt 

Heya folks,
Well, where to begin? I am down in West Sussex again right now, after having spent a week in London with Mike. I had a great time up there and kept up the job search, working with specific websites that are better than most (and before you ask, going into places to hand out resumes seems like it is undone now in any field. Not to mention it is almost all recruitment agencies). Anyway, I managed to get an interview with a recruitment agency that handles galleries. I had that interview and they decided to send me off to two galleries that need managers. Out of that, I managed to get one interview with that company and I will be heading back to London for it( the job itself is in Winchester, west of London). So, back to Mike's. He is proving to be exactly how I remember him from 8 years ago: a really good friend.

So, Thursday I have the interview, hopefully with good results. Wish me luck, pray for me, keep your fingers crossed, rub Ghanesa's ears... whatever you do for good mojo. Oh, and Kimberley, Ray and Colin: you are references!! You can lie, you can embelish, whatever gets me this job!!!!! I may have embellished a bit on my ' managerial experience' with both EB and with FRS... soooo... hehe. Anyway, other than that, not much going on. Keep in touch folks, and I will update again once I have news.

So sits, nervous and anxious,
The Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca
Hi Pete,
Just sent you an email before I read your blog!! All questions answered. Hope everything goes well!! Mom
Love Lisa and Tomas
hey pete

no problem i don't mind stretching the truth a bit lol!! good luck!!! kimberley
Good luck buddy. If this doesnt work out, find anything with pay and look career wise on the side. Best to be fed then dead, as I always say.


Good luck.

I henceforth invite you to join the Church of Dramatology with the ordained regional ecclesiastical rank of Crapinal of the United Kingdom.

Pontificatus Muchus
Poopal Lord of the Church of Dramatology

P.S Good luck on getting that job, dude.
Any word on the interview?
Here is to GETTING the Job, positive thinking, or, when all else fails become a Gigalo!

And Now.. A Note on Harry Potter...
Did you know that if you replace the word Wand with Wang in the Harry Potter books, it completely changes the entire story?....

Best of Luck! rubs his magic wang for luck

-Yup... who else? noone... it's me
ummm... i meant.. wand... *shifts eyes*
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