
Wednesday, May 04, 2005

a Week in London 

So, let me fill you in. I am currently sitting in Cambden Court area waiting to meet up with Kevin from my soccer club in Winnipeg. He is going on a backpacking trip and shot me an email to meet up before he begins a trek similar to what I did (different route, same concept).

My job search is going, not well, but it is going. I have applied to be a teacher... yes a teacher, and possibly a science teacher!!!! Sigh... life and its ironies huh? Ah well, it is good money and I need something ASAP. Besides that, I have applied for numoerous other jobs and it would seem that I just have bad luck, or bad experience to try to get a job... who knows. I am staying at Mike's for the week, deciding that being in London for possible job interviews and such is a good idea, not to mention I went into Sotheby's today and had a chat with the director... I think I am going to need to get a massive loan to make things happen *sob*. Everything else has been okay, not much in the ways of important stuff to talk about yet... oh, although I did get to walk around Whitechapel, which it just happens that Mike lives in that area (whitechapel murders, jack the ripper...get with it people!!). So, I am currently trying to make things happen, trying to get settled, find a sport team and overall try to enjoy the life over here.

Anyway folks, keep in touch and I can't wait to hear news of anything at all!!! doesn't have to be exciting ;)

So sits, frustrated but happy,
the Desk Gremlin
Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca
hey pete

don't worry you will find a job just do what you did with us don't leave until you get it lol!

not much going on here i just got back from st maarten it was unbelievable also went to st barts it is owned by france and you would swear you were in the south of france except better beaches

jeff loved it all the naked french woman he couldn't believe it he said how are they all gorgeous i told him all they do is drink wine and smoke a european whores breakfast lol! here it is tim's and a smoke lol!

ray is planning to go to panama for 2 weeks in december he has always wanted to go

other than that nothing new
I know a thing or two about exciting news...

Today I bought a Happy Meal and I got two toys. The Koopster!

When I take a shower I always wear flip-flops. The Koopster!

Man, I wish my life was as exciting as The Dougler's. By the way... Undergrads is awesome, guy.

- The Koopster
Hey Pete,
Don't get discouraged!!! Don't be picky in your job search,even if it is in a pub it won't be forever.
Drop us an email!!
Hey Pete,
If memory serves I started out somewhat simialr to the luck you are having, only I didn't travel half way around the world to do it. (wish I had!) Anyway, keep a stiff upper lip, things will happen before you know it. See you soon.

Uncle Tom (Miller that is...do you have any other uncle Tom's?)
you will find a job, you always find a job, just refuse to leave, they will eventually get sick of you, then they will higher you, then they will Love you!

no worries.

as for the shower...
I wear rubber boots filled with vaseline, the water from the shower doesn't mix with petrolium, so you never lose the squishy feel!

-You know who....
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