
Thursday, June 16, 2005

The Hostel of Horror 

So, I have a story to chill you to the bone, if you have a weak heart, or need medicine for your nerves, you may want to consider not reading any further. So, here is the story.

I had a great day at work, getting along with the coworkers, having a good time, learning alot. We needed to stay late to set up some offices, and I didn't get off until 8. Before I went home, I did my email and kept up on local events. Then I went back to my room... In the hallway I met up with an Iranian who has a German passport (apparently, he has been living in Germany a long time, irrelevant, but I want you to get the whole story). He is about 40, and looking for work, so I think, " hey, we have the basics in common." We enter the room, and both go to our respective beds on opposite corners of the room; he passes out/falls asleep, and I decided to read a bit. Around 10 I turn out the lights and settle in for a good sleep for the first time since I began work. I fall asleep. I wake up to the sound of water falling, possibly a drainpipe. Upon further listening, I realize it is the Iranian taking a piss, I think, " Bastard pissing out the window, what a tit-head, however I am in bed, I am comfortable and I am tired so let him do his business." After what seemed like a very long time, I think, " WOW, this is the longest piss in the history of pissing out hostel windows!!!" At this point I look to make sure that he is actually doing his deed out the window, but I can't see him!!! After looking around the dark room, I see him pulling up his draws near the bed next to me. I immediately jump up, he goes back to bed and apparently right back to sleep before I have time to turn on the light. When I do, I see a horrendous river of yellow moving slowly towards my gear on the floor. I run over and move everything I can away from this pooling cesspool of human excrement. After doing this, I decide to go talk to the hostel owners and see if I can get him removed. I do. After much laughing by the other guests present, and twenty minutes later, they come up to remove him from the room. I go in just as he is leaving, at which point he shares one parting word with me, " Asshole." My reply, " I was thinking the same thing." Then we part ways.
Now, this leaves me in a room with 8 beds, 2 of which are occupied, and 1 of which is filled with piss. So, I go back down the 5 flights of increasingly steep stairs and ask who is going to clean up the mess. They respond, someone will in the morning. Not acceptable. I get a bucket and a mop and go about cleaning the room. I remove the pissy mattress too. So, after all this, me and my roomie that is left, an Aussie also looking for work, go to sleep at around 1:30. At around 2:30, the light goes on, and 5 what I think are spanish girls walk into the room with all their stuff. Oh, you are thinking, " lucky boy!" Well, you would be right if I were awake, not working in the morning and basically not really 'pissed' off at the whole night. So, after they laugh, talk and scream at normal decibels for a while, I ask them to turn out the light. One girl obliges. Another girl doesn't like that idea and turns back on the light. I am getting more and more irritated. So, I put up with this for an hour, then finally as if God has said, " Okay, I have treated this poor kid worse than Job tonight," The girls go to sleep. And so ends my night. 7:00 comes early to those who have suffered the indignities I did...

So sits, Tired and perplexed by the idiocy of people,
the Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca
Jeepers, that's just downright disgusting. So was the guy just pissing next to his OWN bed, or pissing next to an unoccupied bed which just happened to be by yours? Either way, that's just rank. That would be rude enough to be pissing out the window, but on the floor of the room that you stay in. C'mon. I imagine that the hostel must have had a washroom he could have used anyway. Uncalled for, that's for sure.
Other than that, it sounds like things are rolling along nicely. With the exception of the rude spanish girls. What's wrong with people? ... *Burtonium shakes his head*... I always like to assume that people have some sense of decency and respect. So, if you're coming in extremely late into a room full of people for to get a good night's sleep, then why the heck would you stay awake extra long. Those who are trying to sleep are doing just that. If they had no intention of getting some rest, then why in the heck did they get a bed at the hostel? Sometimes I give the human race too much credit. Oh well.

I hope that things go a bit smoother for you out there and that the job is going good. Peace.

Hey Pete! It's Kyle. We will have to keep in contactor somthin' so I can know how your trip went.... after the hostel thing!! Sooo.... I don't really have anything else to say but good luck with whatever your doin'!!!!

Kyle (Your cuz)!!!!!
Hi Pete,
We have been on vacation recently so I haven't had time to leave any messages. Having said this, the last time I checked your blog there were no new comments, I thought you gave up on it. Anyways and hows, if you are looking for a new job I am looking for someome reliable, down side is I don't know if it pays more than you are being paid now? Up side you would be closer to home.....I am sure that's not what you are looking for..lol. As far as you looking for a raise, if you are doing most of the work and doing it better and not showing your disgust, but enjoying it, ask for a raise anyway. Talk to you again soon.

Uncle Tom
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