
Wednesday, June 29, 2005

A Prague Tale 

Heya folks! Well, I have went and gone... no that isn't right, come and gone... that doesn't sound right either... hmm... I went to and came back from Prague for my sister's wedding (not quite poetic, but true enough). It was beautiful, easily the nicest wedding I have ever been to honestly, and I am not saying that because I am biased at the couple getting married. The site, the people, the ceremony... all perfect. You couldn't ask for anything better. The traditions melded perfectly, the smashing of a plate, the tinking of wedding glasses, the kiss, the alcohol (wait, that really is the same in every culture I think). You get the idea. I made a legend of myself, getting absolutely smashed the night before the wedding passing out and then apparently sleep walking to my sister's room to say hi at night. well ok, not hi as much as a hazey stupor (which I still don't remember). Anyway, it was hilarious and the next morning both sides of the families were having a good laugh at the Gremlin's expense. It was fun though, and I was sober enough to stand in the wedding with no issues.

It was awesome to see everyone again: Lisa, Tomas, my parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts and of course an old roommate. I wish I had had longer with the lot of them. I am going to try to convince my sister and Tomas to get their asses over to England for a quick visit before they run for USA again. I know I could write alot more about the wedding, but I am pretty tired and this keyboard is really bad, so I am not being inspired here. However, I really wanted to say that I enjoyed the wedding and that it was a spectacle.

Other than that, I am working and living in London. Canada day will be interesting, I am heading downtown for the Canadian festivities. Right now, I am feeling a bit homesick, missing friends and family more than I ever have in the past. At some point I will have more interesting stories, but until then, I will try to write once a week to keep you all updated on things.

Once again, Congrats to my Sis and new Bro in Law!!! I hope to see you again soon (actually that goes for all of you reading this!!!).

So sits, Lonely but with good memories,
The Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca
Tell Lisa congrats from Roberta and I.
That sounds really nice. It's awesome that you were able to make it down for the wedding. Congrats to the newly married couple!

Meghan and I are still debating between small ceremony / big honeymoon or big ceremony / small honeymoon, heh.
hi peter it was a very nice wedding indeed .. it was great seeing you again..i had a wonderful time there. next wedding should be yours right.. a wedding in london sounds good to me...lolha ha talk to you soon love aunt raylene
Peter! I'm so glad that you're getting on well. I'm insanely jealous, but that is beside the point. I'm wishing you all the best in London!

P.S. That hostel story rocked my socks. And made me shiver at the same time.
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