
Sunday, June 12, 2005

Ups and Downs 

So, I got the job, I am making okay money... great money if you consider it converted, which you really can't. I found some people to share a flat with, we put down a referencing fee (just a way for them to hose you here), and was already to move in. Now, apparently the two girls had a falling out with the other guy that we were ready to sign with... bloody hell. So, now they are going to kick out the guy and try to find another person to take the room... sounds easy? Never. And, in the meantime I am staying in a stupid hostel again. It is really too late for me to back out of the deal with the girls, so now I have to sit patiently while they search for another... shouldn't take too long, but what a pain!!!!

I start work tomorrow, and I think it should work out well... well, it actually has to work out, I am in debt up to my eyeballs, and have to pay a hundred people back, and I have put all my eggs, along with the chickens into this basket. So, I am not sure whether I am happy, sad, or what... so much stress the last month and a half that it is wearing me down. Hard to figure out what is next on the agenda.

What else? Hmm... I can't think of anything. The hostel thing sucks so bad... trying to wake up in the morning surrounded by people that I have to worry about waking and such, just a serious pain in the backside. Hopefully I can keep my suit from getting too wrinkled while I am there.

Oh, by the way, one comment from last post!!!!!??? Come on!!! I need comments!!!! that's all for now, this is a really condensed entry I realize, but I am just too tired to come up with a well written one.

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca
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