
Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Well, good news 

Hello again loyal readers!!! I would say fans, but that makes me sound a bit more like a rock star than I am, or care to be. So, as Burton has alluded to in his last post, I have good news! I have a job!!! Sure, it isn't in the art field, it doesn't pay as well as I was hoping, but there are good things about it. First off, if you convert it to dollars, it is a rocking salary. Second, I get to stay here for a bit longer. Third, it is a job that should allow for advancement and more money. Fourth, did you ever notice how most people only do three points and then stop... well not this gremlin! Fifth, it is in London, and it is a job!!!! So, basically I still don't know a starting date, although I have an orientation next week; I don't have a place of work yet, since they haven't decided which office gets their token Canadian yet (all offices are in London, just a matter of which one gets me). Hmmm, anything else to tell you? Oh, what I am actually going to be doing... well, I am not 100% sure. My title is Service Coordinator, the company is an office/meeting room supply company. It works like this: company wants office, but hates making coffee, setting up computers, setting up phones, figuring out costs of all this crap, hate having answering services... well, we provide all that, and they pay one fee. We also have meeting rooms that work the same way. So, my job: I set up meeting rooms, scheduling, sales, make sure customers are happy, and yes... I even make the coffee. So, I am the cog of the well oiled machine. Damn, that was a good line huh? Just came up with that one on the spot. Now, I will still be looking for work in my field, and I will also be considering other countries as I do my search, but at least I can make money and stop worrying.

Wow, I needed that break didn't I? My eyes were hurting rereading this. So, back to my explanation. I am still living in the south for now, at least until they say, " Juan (I changed my name to Juan while I am in London. I look like a Juan don't I? Okay, so I didn't change my name), you will be working in *office X*." Once I find out that, I will start narrowing an apartment search down. No ideas yet on that front, but I have a pal here who will surely help me on the search. My next question: Who is going to come visit me??!?! I asked some of you in personal emails... you know who you are! but, I am still waiting... obviously, give me enough time to find somewhere to live, and therefore somewhere for you to crash, but the offer will remain open!

Next thing on my agenda... figuring out exactly HOW I am getting to my sister's wedding... and when. Well, that's it for now, but keep in touch folks, I miss you all.

So sits, a Londoner!!!!
The Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca
CONGRATS. Bout time ye whiner...everything happens for a reason ...so I am told..

Good to hear. Don't get pregnant.
Woo! Congrats on the job man! I'm sure you must be happy to get out of the Asshole of England~

That's an interesting job description. There's cetainly money to be made doing the things others are too lazy to do, heh.

I won't say I'm not unhappy that you aren't coming back to Halifax (I should have used more negatives there), but I am glad you found something finally =)

Talk to you soon man,

Hey Pete
We are so happy to hear that you got a job. I hope you enjoy it once you start. Better start working on getting over here too!!
I tried to call you the other day and i can't figure out for the life of me how to call England. I tried every number combination i could think of and the operator kept telling me it was a "bad" number. I promise i will figure it out soon.

Talk soon. Love Lisa and Tomas
See I told you if you wore rubber boots with vaseline in them you would have good things happen!

Well, congrats you are officially that guy in every movie...
"So what do you do exactly?"
pete "Hmmmmm, it's not so much one thing as it is various things, for other people..."
"What does that mean exactly?"
pete "I'm not sure."
"Is it important?"
pete "Would it exist if it wasn't?"
pete *smiles*

you know who
hey congrats on your finding a job.!!! good luck with your orientation on tuesday.. see you at the wedding... aunt raylene
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