
Friday, July 22, 2005

Lonely London 

Heya folks,
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but it has been a rough go. Trying to get organized both financially and socially, figuring out what the hell I am doing and such. Anyway, here is the latest:

First off, I have survived the bombings so far. Well, in all honesty there is more of a chance of getting struck by a runaway bus than there is of me getting blown up, but I will state the obvious. Other than that excitement, I guess the only thing to report is an interesting night with my sister, brother in law and my coworkers. First off, I have never seen so much debauchery in my life!!! Coworkers making out with married coworkers, coworkers picking each other up all over the place!! I had one or two offers, but I decided that it was definitely not something that was worth getting involved in. So, after all this craziness, a fight breaks out between a bunch of people we were with. So, Tomas (brother in law) jumps in the middle and gets all bloody( none of his blood of course hehe) and I jump in a bit later after trying to drag my friends outta the mess before the cops show up. It was an interesting scuffle, but nothing really serious happened... at least to us.

Hmm, what else? I know there was something else I meant to write about, but I am drawing a blank. Oh, the loneliness that is London. It is amazing! Surrounded by people but you feel like you are alone. Never really felt this before, even in the other big cities I have been in. I mean, nothing serious, but people act differently here. Back home people will make time to at least go to coffee with you and such, but here you won't see a friend for months for no better reason than they won't make time for you. Strange huh? I talked to some other foreigners, and they agree that it is a strange English phenomena. Definitely not used to having good friends a phone call away... well technically you are still a phonecall away, but you know what I mean. I am still trying out for an amateur league soccer team as keeper, they are premier division, and the league seems good, but I am still hanging in the tryouts hehe. I also called for an indoor league to try to get some more playing time. Well, I will cut this short as I am at work waiting to go home. I hope I will hear from some of you soon!!

So sits, melancholy and lonely,
the Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca
Good Grief!!!! No comments on this post yet? Well, for shame... I place shame upon myself for not posting sooner, but the rest of you as well!!!!! :)

Well, Pete, it's good to hear that you're still okay out there in London. Hope the soccer's going good. Peace!!!
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