
Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Life and London 

Hey folks,

Well, I have alot to say and very little time to fit it all in... I have to work in about 10 minutes. Anyway, here is the scoop: I had the interview, it went well, but wouldn't be a big improvement from here, and in order for me to move jobs, it has to be much better. I mean, too many risks in a new position, so the reward has to be worth it. However... and this is where it gets interesting, I have another job offer, not confirmed yet, but it has been brought up. I can't say too much because apparently people who I did not invite to this site have been snooping around. But, bottom line, this is a very good thing!!! Other than that, I have been doing well. I am finished christmas shopping!!!! That's right!!! It is very likely that me and Monica will be coming to Canada (destinations still to be figured out) in May. Cheapest time to fly if you can believe it.

Oh, hey Raylene and Sandy... I owe you a memory:

Raylene: I can't help but think of all those Christmases coming over to your place, it was always the place I looked forward to going to as a kid; you guys always had stuff going on. So, it isn't one memory, it is a amalgamation of all those christmases spent coming over :)

Sandy: Damn man, I had forgotten about that!!! That freakin' football match was rough!!! I know I am in better shape now than I was then... it may be time for a rematch!!!! That's right!!! Bring it on!! Anyway, a memory: hehe... as I was just thinking about it, I remember that big ass car you used to own back in CB. That beast was a lifeline to going out to Kenneth's place. You used to have shitloads of problems with it, but you were faithful to it! Defending it against the mean comments from people like Jay, Kenneth, and whoever else needed a ride hehe. Anyway, keep in touch bro.

Well there ya have it. A quick update that leaves you with more questions than answers I am sure. Oh hey, I am still playing 5 a side, it is really fun, and apparently the league I am in is the most competetive in London. It is in Tottenham, so that is the team that is supported by most of the players... just to let you know :)

I have to say, I walk by Westminster Abbey and Big Ben almost every day... how cool is that? I still can't get over it. Oh oh!!! one more thing as my time goes by here... I am going to see Jean Luc Picard!!!! Yup!!! Patrick Stewart is doing 'A Christmas Carol' here in London and I have tickets!!!! YAY!!!!! Anyway, talk soon folks.

So sits,
The Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Monica and Me 

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Hey Folks... Hm, I am not sure if this will work.  Going to try though.  Me and Monica... obviously :)  I have a few things to say, but I will post again later this week.  Just testing the picture.  Anyway, I have an interview on Tuesday... I will let you know more soon. 

Thursday, November 10, 2005

My 30th... 

Hello again. They were some nice memories... they all made me laugh. But back to that in a sec. First off, I am turning 30 this weekend... yup, can't believe it actually, I don't feel that old... how can I possibly be 30???? Plans for the weekend? Well, my sister bought me and Monica tickets to go see Billy Elliot, which is the most popular play/musical happening here right now. Can't wait for that. On Saturday, we are having some friends over to Monica's for dinner and stuff, so that will be fun. Sunday is my actual birthday, and I have no plans. I don't think Monica does either, so it looks like a typical sunday: we sit around doing nothing, and being happy doing it. I also took today, Friday and Monday off work, which are my first days off since I started work at MWB... and I NEED IT!!! We have new staff, and one of them is a complete and utter ass. I think I will need a transfer if I stay with the company... yes, it is that bad. I don't have the energy to get into it, but needless to say, not good.

So, back to the comments. I feel like I owe you all in turn a memory back.

Kimberley: Well, let's see... there are two memories that come to mind, so I guess I will bring up the one that is the most important. You saying, over and over again... how you would NEVER.... EVER.... have a child!!! HAHA... yup, I can picture you right now, sitting there saying, 'never would I have a child.' Well, for you people who don't know Kimberley, she changed her mind within 6 months or so of me leaving the company ;)

Burton: Damn dude, you took all the great memories in a sentence. But, I guess the funniest memory was your grad party in your backyard. You were Hulk, Rick and others, going so far as taking off your shirt and strutting!!! Damn man that was some funny shit!!! WOOOooooooo

Alex: HAHAHAHA. Xela Orb... well, Xela Orb was a name that me and Alex used for any rented computer games that we needed to enter a name. It stood for Alex Bro(ussard). Sounded like a great name when spelt backwards. As for my memory of you: I have to say, probably the first time i met you, you long haired hippy!!!! We were at some little gym in Dartmouth learning how to pummel people with sticks. Anyway, you were really young, but I asked you if you felt like coming over to play some games with me, Jay and Vince. I still am not sure why, but you showed up!!! And hence began a great friendship that has survived over years and thousands of miles.

Dad: Damn, that is a tough one for so many reasons. I mean, you have always been there, and of course there are memories upon memories. I guess I will pick one that made me so proud of you. That one being the second bike trip from Halifax to Sydney. I remember hearing that you were going to make it (your first one ended close, with your knee giving out if I remember right), and not only was I proud of you for it, but also happy for you, because I knew that would mean alot to you as a personal triumph. There are alot of other memories that came to mind, but I like that one most.

Jay: Damn dude, that memory you wrote about would have been my first choice as well!!! Good god that is a hilarious memory. As for picking a memory: I have to say the numerous trips out camping in High School. We would pack up, you, me, Liam and Joel and find a place to just hang out for a day or two. They were always fun times, and I am sure my parents always wondered why in the hell we would do that. All honesty, I have no idea!!! But the Lake out by Liam's was a favorite spot... Good times... good times indeed.

Darren: You slacker!!! you didn't commit!!!! Well, you did make me laugh though. In turn, I will give you a memory: Actually, it goes back to the first meeting of you, me and Jay. We were playing games in your basement, and I had been told very little about you guys, but you made me feel like I had been part of your crew for a long time. You were a gracious host and never lost that.

Well, going down memory lane is fun, so if anyone else wants to post, I will return it in kind. Oh, Kimberley: Who's Got the Bomb... that was the game. You decided someone on the bus who was going to blow things up, and then come up with reasons why they were likely to do it. Not so funny now... sigh...

So sits,
Melancholy and full of memories,
The Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Hey folks,
A friend of mine had this on his blog, and I realized it would actually be interesting to see what you guys said about me... I would love to see everyone who reads this to post something.

If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, even if we don't speak often, please post a comment with a memory of you and me. It can be anything you want, either good or bad. I promise not to come after you with a spork, either way.

Not much else to say at the moment... umm... nope.

Oh, I am trying to get my hands on a digital camera for a pic of me and the missus.... will keep you updated.

So sits,
Bored but content
The Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca

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