
Thursday, November 03, 2005

Hey folks,
A friend of mine had this on his blog, and I realized it would actually be interesting to see what you guys said about me... I would love to see everyone who reads this to post something.

If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, even if we don't speak often, please post a comment with a memory of you and me. It can be anything you want, either good or bad. I promise not to come after you with a spork, either way.

Not much else to say at the moment... umm... nope.

Oh, I am trying to get my hands on a digital camera for a pic of me and the missus.... will keep you updated.

So sits,
Bored but content
The Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca
the first thing that came to mind was typhoid (not sure how to spell)
pete when you use to were that cable knit sweater and complain that something hurt

oh another came to mind!!!
this will probably come to sharon's mind right away as it was one of her first impressions
the crazy guy on the bus what was it you use to think of who has the bomb or something strange like that what a strange boy you can be peter! lol!
Xela Orb
Pete &I going rollerskating and it was his first time on the blades.I went around the corner & proceeded down the hill,as I looked back all I heard was holy shit & Peter was flying over the curb and unto the grass and while on his ass proceeded to remove his blades.
Hmmm lets see, where to begin. I guess funnniest time would be at darren's place when i first met ya bud, and you thought i was a bit crazy. Guess ya weren't that far off really lol. BOO!!...............scare ya?, bah its good to see ya enjoying life pete, keep your stick on the ice bud, and have fun.

Well, there is two times I remember.
One was that time in Band Camp...I haven't been the same since.

Next and most important I remember is that time I took the fall for you on that whole Bank Robbery...and I WON"T FORGET IT. No matter how far you run, when I get out.....oooooohhhhh... your gonna get it.

Have a nice day.
Sitting around a cramped apartment sweating our asses off and pretending to be vampires.

Good times. That, and the day I bought A Game of Thrones. Best. Fantasy. Series. Evar.

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