
Monday, December 12, 2005

Hey folks,

Well, here it is... Patrick Stewart!!! Not a great picture but hey.  The show was incredible.  A one man show, ' A Christmas Carol'.  It was prettty funny too, his timing was good and it was just generally cool.  We ran around to the back to try to catch him coming out, and we did hehe.  Didn't get close enough to say hi though.  What else is going on?  I am off this week, which would be great if I wasn't all alone for it.  Monica has to work, and no one else is around.  I spent alot of this weekend alone since Monica had to do shopping (for me) and then she had some plans on Sunday with some workmates that she couldn't get out of.  Ya know, I had alot to say before I sat down, but now that I am here, I can't think of one thing I wanted to write.

I watched my first ice hockey game of the year at the Maple Leaf, the Canadian pub downtown.  It was Ottawa and Calgary, pretty good game really.  The feed was from Hockey Night in Canada.  Oh, I also saw Narnia... not a bad kids' movie.  For adults... a little weak, but the effects were awesome.  I spent alot of time this weekend on my ass watching films and theatre actually.  Well, I will write again soon.

So sits,

The Desk Gremlin
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Narnia...damn.. I was looking forward to that. Peshhh...I will still go.

Damn my childlike mind.
I didn't really like Narnia all that much. There was no character development or growth.

There were some fantastic scenes, but they felt empty because the characters looked like they didn't belong.

Might be good for the kids, even though the battles were pretty violent.
Did any of you actually read "Narnia" as children?? I am looking forward to watching it and am hoping you guys didn't read it and thats why you didn't like it!! haha
Well, take care Pete, and hopefully we'll be able to talk at xmas.
Love Lisa
hello peter
just wanted to say merry christmas and hope you have a wonderful holiday
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