
Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 

Heya folks,
wow, I think I start every entry with that line... oh well. So, it is Christmas, I spent the weekend with some Canadian friends, which was fun. We watched movies and ate a shitload. All good. I wish Monica was around, but she went to Spain to spend Christmas with her family. She comes back tomorrow!! YAY!!! Yeah, screw off... I miss her okay? Miserable...*mumble*

So, for New Year's, we are going on a boat cruise. Dinner, a Thames river cruise and then it docks around Big Ben and we watch the fire works. Kinda cool huh? What else... oh, my big meeting is next week now. The dude who is thinking about hiring me isn't in until then. Wish me luck, I am soooo done with this job. Done. Anyway, this new job will be something good, if it happens. We will have to wait and see.

Hmm.. Well, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! Especially to Kimberley, who was the only one who left me a message here :) You know, it is strange, I always have alot to say until I sit down to write, at which point, I forget everything and manage to write a few words. I am thinking about taking Thai Kickboxing in the New Year... I took kung fu, Jujitsu, Gum Do, Ken Do, Sip Pal Gi... time to take something with a little more punch and a little less show. If not kickboxing, then I am thinking of taking Brazilian Jujitsu... Joyce Gracie's brother runs a dojo near where I live, and I just think that would be cool to be trained by the Gracie family!!!

This feels disjointed, is it reading that way? Not much else to say right now. Hope everything is well with you people, and try to remember me at New Years... have a drink for me (preferably a Sleeman's Honey Brown if you really wanna salute me).

So sits,
The Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca
Merry Christmas...did you actually think that on Christmas Vacation Roberta would even let me look at an internet connection??? did ya? ahhh...you still must believe in Santa Claus then...and his boyfriend the Easter Bunny....ever wonder why Playboys have bunnies? That's right Hugh Hef is THE EASTER BUNNY.

anyway...happy holidays.
Hey Pete,

Happy Christmas and Merry New Year ... or something like that. I have been completely vegging this holiday, it's been great. Just hanging out with Meghan, no work, no school.

Been playing Xbox 360 too, it's awesome. Wish you were here, we'd have some marathon sessions like we used to with the Playstation.

Good luck on the job prospect. I really hope you don't have to stick with the one you don't like.

I'll be sure to have a drink or two or three in your honour. We're having sort of a pre-new years party for AJ's 26th.

Give me a call some time.

i'm glad to hear all is well i never thought i'd say this but i miss ya you strange creature!
life is the same here my little guy will be three next month
the office is the same ray spent 2 weeks in panama and had a great time
thank god the holidays are over
Cheerio Guv'nah,

I finally tracked you down (thanks to Alex). Hope all is going well with you (and it seems like it is by the sound of things). It will be easier for me to keep tabs on you now that I know where you record your exploits.
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