
Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Well, it may be time to start writing here again... stress is crap and with the next 6 months looking no easier, it may be time to start writing it out again. Can't really talk to anyone, just doesn't seem to be the right thing to do. Job: I can handle. Anything else, not sure. I recently moved my whole life to a place I never thought I would want to be. Now, I am wondering if that was the right decision, or if it was a premature decision. It sucks. I don't want to regret it, I don't want to question it; but I do. Every day. It scares me. I know how I feel, but that doesn't really do me much good at all.

Life has been dwindled to a few soccer games a week and looking forward to a day and a half on the weekend. Fuckin' ridiculous. Fuckin' shitty. It's not a way to live. I want to be comfortable. I want to know. I want to be safe in my decisions. Questioning everything has been good for me up til this point... now... it's not. Need to shut down. Need to stop. I'm done.

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca

Monday, February 20, 2006

Coming Home 

Well folks,
I know I said this site is done, but I wanted to let anyone who drops by know that I am moving back to Canada. Yup, next month I am packing up shop here and moving back to Halifax. I have a few plans to make happen over there, and being here just isnt' helping anymore. I don't hate it here, I just see my life going forward if I come back to Canada. Right now, I am not in a career, I am in a job. I don't want that anymore. Anyway, let me know what you think, or if you have any questions.

Your friend,

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca

Friday, January 27, 2006

I am sorry 


I think this is the end of the blog. I am done. I have had a very very rough few weeks, and I just don't think I want to share anymore. I apologize, and I hope you all know that you are close to my heart. I will not lose contact with any of you. Thanks for being loyal friends.

Your friend always,

Monday, January 09, 2006

Hello all,

Happy New Year and all that stuff. So, any new year resolutions? I have one: Find a new job that pays better. So far, no luck, and that job still hasn't said anything to me, feels like they are stringing me along, which sucks. Oh well, if it comes it comes, if not, then I look elsewhere. My New Year's was awesome, I watched Big Ben tick down, watched fireworks that were absolutely amazing... I mean, the whole budget of Canada was in this display. We drank, danced and had a great time on the boat in general. Going to work again was rough let me tell you. I just dont' have the patience left for it. Anyway, away from that topic.

We do have pictures from the new year's thingy, but I need to get them from Monica. Things are good overall. Not much really to say, as always, I did have things to say, and now I can't think of any of them. Oh well, sounds like everyone is happy back home, so I will leave it at that for now. Just for the record, welcome to my Grotto AJ!!!

So sits,
The Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 

Heya folks,
wow, I think I start every entry with that line... oh well. So, it is Christmas, I spent the weekend with some Canadian friends, which was fun. We watched movies and ate a shitload. All good. I wish Monica was around, but she went to Spain to spend Christmas with her family. She comes back tomorrow!! YAY!!! Yeah, screw off... I miss her okay? Miserable...*mumble*

So, for New Year's, we are going on a boat cruise. Dinner, a Thames river cruise and then it docks around Big Ben and we watch the fire works. Kinda cool huh? What else... oh, my big meeting is next week now. The dude who is thinking about hiring me isn't in until then. Wish me luck, I am soooo done with this job. Done. Anyway, this new job will be something good, if it happens. We will have to wait and see.

Hmm.. Well, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! Especially to Kimberley, who was the only one who left me a message here :) You know, it is strange, I always have alot to say until I sit down to write, at which point, I forget everything and manage to write a few words. I am thinking about taking Thai Kickboxing in the New Year... I took kung fu, Jujitsu, Gum Do, Ken Do, Sip Pal Gi... time to take something with a little more punch and a little less show. If not kickboxing, then I am thinking of taking Brazilian Jujitsu... Joyce Gracie's brother runs a dojo near where I live, and I just think that would be cool to be trained by the Gracie family!!!

This feels disjointed, is it reading that way? Not much else to say right now. Hope everything is well with you people, and try to remember me at New Years... have a drink for me (preferably a Sleeman's Honey Brown if you really wanna salute me).

So sits,
The Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca

Monday, December 12, 2005

Hey folks,

Well, here it is... Patrick Stewart!!! Not a great picture but hey.  The show was incredible.  A one man show, ' A Christmas Carol'.  It was prettty funny too, his timing was good and it was just generally cool.  We ran around to the back to try to catch him coming out, and we did hehe.  Didn't get close enough to say hi though.  What else is going on?  I am off this week, which would be great if I wasn't all alone for it.  Monica has to work, and no one else is around.  I spent alot of this weekend alone since Monica had to do shopping (for me) and then she had some plans on Sunday with some workmates that she couldn't get out of.  Ya know, I had alot to say before I sat down, but now that I am here, I can't think of one thing I wanted to write.

I watched my first ice hockey game of the year at the Maple Leaf, the Canadian pub downtown.  It was Ottawa and Calgary, pretty good game really.  The feed was from Hockey Night in Canada.  Oh, I also saw Narnia... not a bad kids' movie.  For adults... a little weak, but the effects were awesome.  I spent alot of time this weekend on my ass watching films and theatre actually.  Well, I will write again soon.

So sits,

The Desk Gremlin
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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Life and London 

Hey folks,

Well, I have alot to say and very little time to fit it all in... I have to work in about 10 minutes. Anyway, here is the scoop: I had the interview, it went well, but wouldn't be a big improvement from here, and in order for me to move jobs, it has to be much better. I mean, too many risks in a new position, so the reward has to be worth it. However... and this is where it gets interesting, I have another job offer, not confirmed yet, but it has been brought up. I can't say too much because apparently people who I did not invite to this site have been snooping around. But, bottom line, this is a very good thing!!! Other than that, I have been doing well. I am finished christmas shopping!!!! That's right!!! It is very likely that me and Monica will be coming to Canada (destinations still to be figured out) in May. Cheapest time to fly if you can believe it.

Oh, hey Raylene and Sandy... I owe you a memory:

Raylene: I can't help but think of all those Christmases coming over to your place, it was always the place I looked forward to going to as a kid; you guys always had stuff going on. So, it isn't one memory, it is a amalgamation of all those christmases spent coming over :)

Sandy: Damn man, I had forgotten about that!!! That freakin' football match was rough!!! I know I am in better shape now than I was then... it may be time for a rematch!!!! That's right!!! Bring it on!! Anyway, a memory: hehe... as I was just thinking about it, I remember that big ass car you used to own back in CB. That beast was a lifeline to going out to Kenneth's place. You used to have shitloads of problems with it, but you were faithful to it! Defending it against the mean comments from people like Jay, Kenneth, and whoever else needed a ride hehe. Anyway, keep in touch bro.

Well there ya have it. A quick update that leaves you with more questions than answers I am sure. Oh hey, I am still playing 5 a side, it is really fun, and apparently the league I am in is the most competetive in London. It is in Tottenham, so that is the team that is supported by most of the players... just to let you know :)

I have to say, I walk by Westminster Abbey and Big Ben almost every day... how cool is that? I still can't get over it. Oh oh!!! one more thing as my time goes by here... I am going to see Jean Luc Picard!!!! Yup!!! Patrick Stewart is doing 'A Christmas Carol' here in London and I have tickets!!!! YAY!!!!! Anyway, talk soon folks.

So sits,
The Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca

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