
Thursday, April 28, 2005

South Shore of England 

Hey Folks,
Well, I don't want to tick of D, so I decided to update. I am in err... well West Sussex I guess, although you can also call it Bracklesham Bay, near Chichester, the other side of Portsmouth; yeah, you guessed it, I have no idea where I am. So, my long trip is over and now I am looking for work. I am starting to see that getting hired by an English company may not be too easy. Anyway, the search is on.
Last night I went to a pub to watch the Liverpool/Chelsea Champions League Match and had a blast. The yocals were friendly and I ended up playing some billiards... oh, I met a bloke who 'lives in a caravan with me ma'!!!! That's right... you heard it!!!! For those who don't get the reference... too bad!!! I will explain next time. So, I like England so far, even though it rains almost every day and I am in the "asshole of England" as it has been explained to me. Other than that I am loving it. I desperately need work, and spend most of my day looking around, trying to find a placement agency that can help me. So, I have an author to suggest as well to those of you who like reading, Stephen Sherrill. I have read two books by him, " The Minotaur takes a Cigarette Break" and " Visits from a Drowned Girl", both of which are awesome books... kinda pulpy, but really well done.
Hmm, what else... well, for any of you I met on my trips across Europe, get in touch and tell me what is going on!!!! For those of you I know already, get in touch and tell me what's going on!!!!! That is all for now, I hope this post is at least a little entertaining for you all. Back to the job search.

So sits, peaceful and unemployed,
The Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Suggestions for Kimberley and a little update 

Hey folks,
I know this is a quick update, but I wanted to let you know what is going on. I watched teh Chelsea/Arsenal match last night at a pub... it was an amazing atmosphere!!! It was a draw, which sucked for the standings, but at least Arsenal showed they don't need Campbell or Henry to keep up with Chelsea... just imagine if they were in the lineup!!! Anyway, enough with that.

I am staying at Chris's right now, at least until Saturday, then I will spend one more night in a hostel and make my way to West Sussex to see Barry and Sandra, and figure out what the hell I am doing.

Kimberley: alrighty, italy... well, first off I really didn't like Venice. It was smelly, the canals are cool, but the novelty wears off quick, and there isn't much to do if you aren't looking for a romantic vacation. It is also quite expensive. Hmm, Padua sucked too, nothing there at all worth seeing for you. I would start in Florence, it has lots to see and it is a beautiful city overall for sure. Then, down to Rome to see all the big things... Vatican, Colisseum and such. Do the Colisseum tour with Maximus Tours... you get the Colisseum and the Forum( two tours) for something like 10 euro. Great deal and great tour guides. I wanted to go to Pompeii, but i also heard that there are alot of thieves down there and you have to be really careful ( like most of Italy I guess), and someone said Naples is really dirty. Alot of Italians said to go to the bottom of the boot too, that is it was gorgeous and alot less touristy. other than that, I can't think of anything, but if you have any specific questions, I will try to answer them :)

As for touristy things in London... I did London Dungeon which was awesome, and the Tower of London, again great! The Beefeaters are freaking cool!!! I will let you figure that out. Hmm, I saw some galleries too, but I think I already mentioned those in the last post. Anyway, off to job hunt, got papers to read and such. I miss everyone, and hopefully you all miss me too ;)

the Quiz: Kimberley is dead on, there is a gap between the train and the platform, the lady on the announcements continually reminds you to ' Mind the Gap' and it is also written on the platforms near the the train entrance. It is freaking hilarious!!! Not really sure why, but we have been laughing about it for days. Anyway folks, talk later.

So sits, in a London internet Cafe,
The Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Mind the Gap 

Hey folks,
Well, I can't believe no comments on my Amsterdam posts... now I wouldn't expect family to reply hehe, but come on!!!!

So, I am now in London, Joe has left and I am basically alone in my next adventure. I have a friend that wouldn't mind moving in with me, but I need to find work in his general area to make it feasible. I have seen the London Dungeon (pretty freakin cool), Tate Modern, National Gallery, some of the landmarks, and basically wondered around. Oh, for those who know.. I was at Charing Cross Road as well!!! I also plan to visit WhiteChapel at some point. So, tonight I am going to a pub to watch the Arsenal/Chelsea match, which should be interesting. Hmm, what else? Oh, I really want my own bed!!!! i have had enough of hosteling and changing beds every night, gets old quick. Thinking about getting a cell phone since I need a number to use to apply for work as well.. don't really like the idea overall, but I just can't see any other choice at the moment. Sigh... a cell phone goes against all my principles, but really... no other option!!!!

So, here is my list of favorite places I have been: 1- Barcelona, 2- Paris, 3- London, 4- Munich, 5 - Vienna, 6- Rome, 7- Florence, 8-Berlin, 9- Bayeux (just quiet... needed that alot), and 10- Athens. trying to decide whether I liked Florence or Rome more.. definitely a toss up. God, I have been to alot of places... just crazy. Probably met in the vicinity of 200 people, about 50 of whom I will be in contact with again at some point. So, overall I have to say I loved this trip, me and Joe got along really well (although I barely saw him in some cities hehe), and the sights were amazing. So folks, I will update again in a little bit, but I will be floating around to check email and comments.

Oh, and a little quiz... Anyone know what ' Mind the Gap' means in London? It is funny as hell, if no one gets it, I will post the answer next time ;)

hugs n luv from the City of Mist,
the Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca

Saturday, April 16, 2005

the Dutch are all stoned!!! 

I thought I wouldn't get a chance for another update, but I am sitting here stoned, and Joe went to nap, so I have a bit of time. Well, Amsterdam... let me tell you, I wouldn't come back, but I wouldn't have missed this for sure. I don't think there is one person here that isn't Chronic... it is amazing, even the guy serving us at McDonalds must have been high. The weed is good, not sure if it is better than BC, I would have to say no overall, but some of this stuff can kick your ass. So, back to the real story: there are only a few things in Amsterdam to do, first... smoke and drink, yup you knew that one. Second, see hookers and strippers... kinda interesting in the sense of the sheer magnitude of people in the red light district, but meh. Next, the Heineken museum, we did it... kinda fun, but not great. A few museums top it off, and nothing very good at that. Ann Frank House and the Van Gogh museum are the highlights, neither of which interest me greatly.

Things are going good though, we are heading to London tomorrow( decided to stay in Amsterdam an extra day because a friend from Paris was joining us here... and she's cute). So folks, I will sign off once more and will talk to you all when I get settled in London.

So sits a stoned and somewhat melancholy,
The Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

The rest of Paris 

Heya folks, I am sitting in the Flying Pig in Amsterdam at the moment, preparing mentally for the tasks at hand... and we all know what they are!!! Anyway, I noticed that alot of people are asking the lowdown on Paris. Well, let me tell you that it was probably one of the nicest places we have seen in total. The sights are amazing, I actually managed to get to three galleries, the Louvre( the worst of all of them honestly), the D'Orsay which is mostly the late 19th century, such as Van Gogh and Gauguin, and then my favorite, the Pompidou, which consists of modern art, including Andy Warhol and one Piet Mondrian! Anyway, besides that, there are the cathedrals, the Eiffel Tower, the Arch de Triomph, Champs d'Ellise, the Moulin Rouge( yeah, I saw it)... I mean, shit, it is at least a week's worth of stuff to do seeing new stuffs every day.
I would also say that it would be a nice place to live( this is for Alex and Meghan). It is a well run city, lots of places to live, pretty safe and absolutely gorgeous. The only thing I would suggest is at least attempting to speak French; they aren't as mean as people make them out to be, but if you go right into English without a "bonjour" or a "bonsoir" you could get cold responses.

I got to see some friends I made in Barcelona again in Paris, and it was a pretty tearful goodbye. I will definitely keep in touch with them, and hopefully at some point see them again. I also made one friend that I am going to see again in Amsterdam tomorrow. So, after Paris we went to Bayeux so Joe could go see the beaches of Normandy. Since I couldn't care less about WW2 history, I decided I would spend the day alone in Bayeux and enjoy the town of 15,000. I saw the Bayeux Tapestry( an amazing piece of work, and the museum was well designed), and I then went to the cathedral where I noticed a scene from the tapestry in relief within the cathedral. Overall it was an awesome day, although I left my bag in the hands of a hotel and when I got back my freaking Barcelona soccer ball was gone!!!! Not happy!!!!! Didn't pay much for it, so it wasn't a big deal, but it is the principle of it all.

So, here I sit, watching people roll some sweet bud, and waiting for Joe to get back from Ann Frank's House, again I didn't go because WW2 just holds nothing for me. I think we are going to get smoked and go to the Van Gogh museum... not a van Gogh fan, but maybe some weed will change that. For the family, relax... it is Amsterdam after all!!! Can't wait to see a sex show too... going to probably hit up one where fruit is involved... waiting for the girl from Paris to get here before we go there though.

I also got wind that Yo Mama is in the finals!!!! Damn it folks, you better win!!!!! I wish I could be there, I am itching to play now, hopefully England will see me on a team sooner than later. So, this is the last update before I get to London, I hope you guys have enjoyed my Continental tour, and I still have adventures to experience in England. Love you all, miss you bunches.

So sits a temporarily sober,
Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Paris... it's pretty cool 

Well folks,
I have made it to Paris. We dragged an English guy with us which is kinda funny, he was supposed to go back to London, but we convinced him Paris was a good idea. We then met two girls on the train that we have been hanging out with since we got here. So... here is the scoop: The Eiffel Tower is a huge chunk of iron, basically ugly as sin, but impressive in its size. We are doing Champs d'Elisse today ( I know I spelled that wrong), and doing D'Orsay, which is the 19th century art centre here. We did the Louvre yesterday, it is MASSIVE, I knew it was big, but not like that. It is less impressive than the Prado for pieces, but the sheer number of works makes up for it a bit. I actually need to sneak back in today to try and see two pieces I actually missed yesterday: the Raft of the Medusa and Liberty Leading the People. You need more days there than Disneyworld!!

In the way of Cathedrals/churches/basilicas, we saw Sacre Couer, St. Germaine and Notre Dame. The last one being the most impressive of course, the portals were amazing! So, other than that, I am not drinking while I am here, and basically just meeting and hanging out with a ton of cool people. Oh, I got my first sunburn in Barcelona, and it sucks royally. Hmm... thinking of anything else... oh, the Parisiens are actually very cool, I have been speaking french, and not doing too bad overall if you can believe that. Not much more to add right now, I just got up and we are gathering for the day's festivities. Wish I had something funny to add, but for those who want a really freaking cool song, look up " The Reefer Song" by Mindless Drughoover. It is quite possibly the funniest song I have heard. I know Colin and Burton will appreciate the new music ;)

Keep cool folks, I know I am... freaking Paris is cold right now!!!

Seeing the sights,
The Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Barcelona... one last time 

Leaving for Paris today... decided to do this while I am hung over, so excuse the mistakes. For any who care... Barce is the biggest party town I have ever seen. Bars open at 11, party until 6... rinse repeat. The Catalunyans know how to party. So... this is for entertainment´s sake, sing this to Do Re Mi

Do I need to buy some beer
Re the guy who sells me beer
Mi someone who drinks my beer
fa a long long way for beer
So let´s have another beer
La ger is a type of beer
Tee No thanks I´ll have a beer

Anyway, I thought it was hilarious... I need to get outta this town hehe. I will be in Paris by tomorrow morning. I will check here again then.

So moves, again and again,
the Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca

Monday, April 04, 2005

Still Barcelona 

Well, I am still here, in fact, I might be here until Wednesday depending on what we decide in the next few hours. I am burnt out, feeling like the trip is over, but it isn´t. I am ready to go back to England and find myself a job. Not really sure why I feel that, some of it has to do with how old I feel in this hostel... it is a party hostel and the average age is pretty low I think. I have met a few great people, even a potential roomie for England depending on how things work out. Anyway, the game yesterday was amazing... picture 100,000 people in one place all screaming... crazy. The Catalunyans are definitely more civilized than the Germans or English at their games, but it didn´t change the atmosphere too much. The score was 3-3, with Barce tying it up in the last 30 seconds of extra time. Barce played like crap over all, but at least they came out with a point. Ronaldhino didn´t score, but he still made some pretty moves.

So, I will probably stop updating for a while since I really don´t feel like doing it too much anymore. I will still check comments and emails though, so I will be around for those who wanna chat.

So sits a done Gremlin.

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca

Sunday, April 03, 2005


Well, I am not really ready for another update, but I would like to clarify a few things... besides my disclaimer at the bottom of every post. This blog is not only for the people back home, but it is a running account of what I thought of each place and my feelings on everything. For example, Venice sucks ass. I am not qualifying that statement, it is mine to make and my place to write it. I have had a great time in almost every place I have gone, and if you look back through my posts, I believe that you will see that is true (for example, Czech Republic, I enjoyed my time with my sister and Tomas adn the other people I met there). I have given credit where credit is due, I have complimented and praised the people and places that have been good to me (Lis and Tomas for example). So, you see it is not the underappreciation for the hospitality of the people I meet or see, but it is a general opinion of the places I have been.

So, anyway, I am going to the Barce game in a few hours, and overall Barcelona has been one of the most happening cities we have been in. Parties constantly, the hostel is amazing, and the sights are beautiful.

So moves,
The Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca

Friday, April 01, 2005

Got my tickets for Barce game!!! 

Hey folks,
Well... let´s see. We finally made it to freakin Madrid after 3 days of traveling from Athens. Lesson= Do not do Spain in the middle of your trip. Had to make reservations for every train, and there weren´t many from France into Spain. Anyway, nuff of that crap. We got into Madrid and went to see our two friends that we met in Florence. Spent the night and the next day with them, seeing the sights and just chatting. So, I saw the Prado... holy crap! I saw Goya, Valezques, there was a special exhibit on Durer, and there were lots of others, but the one that got me was Goya´s Third of May. That was just amazing to see. The next day we went to the modern art museum (don´t worry, Joe isn´t minding TOO much hehe). There we saw some early Dali (not the Surreal, but more Cubist and abstracts), Picasso including Guernica, and even Marcell Duchamps´first ¨quintessential modern piece¨the Fountain... basically it is a urinal with the name R. Mutt on teh side... but I was happy to see it.

So, now onto something that was just freaking AWESOME. We decided to go play some football in the park, just kick the ball around and juggle etc. Me, Joe and some American guy from our hostel... well when we got to the 5-5 field (similar to an indoor field, basically a fenced in court with 8 by 6 nets on either end), there were some Spanish guys playing a game. They asked us to play, and we joined in. It was just incredible to be playing a game of pickup soccer in Spain. Some of the guys were just amazing, but I think me and Joe kept up to the pace, and even managed to net a few goals between us (that´s right, I managed another goal... shit, and here I am leaving Ragnarok when I am finally starting to find my game). So, needless to say that was freaking awesome... oh I said that already... well, too bad, it was!!!!

Now we are in Barcelona, the people are nicer, the women are nicer ( Madrid was a disappointment there), and we have tickets to go to the Barcelona game on Sunday!!!! WOOT!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA, I am happpeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! We had to get tickets from a scalper since it was sold out, but screw it, I don´t care, this was the one thing in Europe that I wanted to do, that is, See a Barce game. So, tomorrow we will go around, see the sights, Guadi buildings, the Cathedral, and there is a Picasso museum. Well, not much else to say, this keyboard is so much better than the French one hehe.

Hmm, little update on what I think of traveling: Germany is still the nicest overall, Greece was awesome... the hostel made that place, italy was good for sights, but not much for people, France I still have no opinion, will let you know once we hit Paris, Spain... I would say go to Barcelona and the South, and screw Madrid... I liked it because of the soccer and our friends, but the city and people really suck (almost as bad as Czech Rep). Anyway, what Kimberley wrote about Greece is a good thing to consider... it is romantic on the islands, and Athens is a place to see for the history. If anyone ever decides to do this kinda trip, let me know so I can give hostel names that are good.... Hostel International ones suck ass... might as well stay in a hotel. Keep cool people, and I hope to hear from everyone.

Happy in Barce,
the Desk Gremlin

Any problems or comments for the Grotto should be directed to a dark place, or if you really must, daiunus@yahoo.ca

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